Dynamic inflation

the problem is that we still have a fixed amount of MAS tokens being minted (1.02 MAS per block), even when there aren’t enough transactions to justify it.

I did not want to propose a change in baseline, as it would collide with a separate proposal you can find here: Proposal to Reduce Massa Blockchain Yearly Inflation to 2.5% ( Block reward 0.4) - #14 by Kevin but of course the two can be combined !

MAS created per block = max(0.68,1.02−0.5×total fees×3/4)

As @serhii pointed out, this formula does not achieve what you explain, as it keeps an inflation of 1.02 per block at zero activity, but simply ensures that new tokens continue being emitted at high activity, albeit at a lower rate.

More fundamentally I do not understand why you would want to continue token emission and inflation when there is already plenty of activity to comfortably pay node runners with fees without the need for inflation. I believe that inflation is necessary at low activity (albeit it could be reduced, see the separate proposal linked above) in order to pay the node runners when there are not enough fees available to do so. Without inflation at low activity, we would lose a lot of node runners. But I would personally prefer zero inflation, and maybe even deflation, at high activity.

Basically, I understand that inflation might have a lower impact at high activity. But why would you want it at all in that case ? The only valid reason I can potentially see is to keep a permanent inflationary pressure to discourage savings (because they would lose their value over time) and encourage spending.